With Membership comes great opportunity. We’ve all heard that before but it’s true. On member only forums and pages, you can learn from fellow members, get online version of our directory, back issues of our magazine and so much more! Registering on our forum as a Guest, does not give you access to certain areas of our website or give you all permissions with our forums.
FULL‐MEMBERSHIPS (both foreign and domestic) receive the following:
- Access to all areas of the site
- The ability to reply to Forum posts
- A one year subscription to our bi‐monthly, Full‐color, Fan Collector magazine
- Voting rights for our board of directors elections
- An open invitation to all Regional events. (The yearly Fan Fair is a paid event – member only.)
- The vast knowledge from fellow members
- And the possibility of hundreds of new friends from all around the world!
- Access to any upcoming updates to our website
- Access to all areas of the site
- The ability to reply to Forum posts
- Voting rights for our board of directors elections
- An open invitation to all Regional events. (The yearly Fan Fair is a paid event.)
- The vast knowledge of our fellow membership
- And the possibility of hundreds of new friends from all around the world!
- Access to any upcoming updates to our website
- Access to all areas of the site
- The ability to reply to Forum posts
- A one year subscription to our bi‐monthly, Full‐color, Fan Collector magazine
- Voting rights for our board of directors elections
- An open invitation to all Regional events. (The yearly Fan Fair is a paid event – member only.)
- The vast knowledge from fellow members
- And the possibility of hundreds of new friends from all around the world!
- Access to any upcoming updates to our website
Whether you are a new collector or a well‐seasoned veteran, there is room for you in the AFCA. Joining entitles you to printed copies of our bi‐monthly magazine for the remainder of that year. Back issues of magazines are available in a PDF format online. Please read all information below regarding the options available to you in joining the AFCA.
- We offer Full‐memberships (both foreign and domestic), Household‐memberships and Junior‐memberships
- Household‐memberships, and Junior‐memberships are offered at a reduced cost compared to Full‐memberships
We welcome you to join the Antique Fan Collectors Association (AFCA) Choose whether you would like to use the printable membership application and pay by check or select the online join or renew membership option below and pay through PayPal. You will be required to fill out an online application for the AFCA. Once you have filled out your application, you will need to complete the process by choosing PayPal and checking out. For online memberships, please read the information and notes we have provided. Follow all the steps until you are notified that you have successfully completed the process:
IMPORTANT INFO AFTER JOINING – Mail in or Online Payment
- The Antique Fan Collectors Association membership fee is for an annual membership. Our membership year is January 1 – December 31. All renewals will be due in January of each year.
- For new members who join in October, November or December, their membership will be counted as the following year. (Example: Join date of 11/3/2024 will be counted as a 2025 membership.)
- Credit card processing fees (PayPal) are included in the membership price. The processing fees are stated as convenience fees.
- For new members: Once your payment has been processed and your information has been added to our roster, you will receive an email “Welcome Letter” from our AFCA Secretary.
- Memberships are processed by the AFCA Secretary every Saturday/Sunday manually after your check has cleared or after payment is verified through PayPal, so there may be lag time between when you join and when you receive the letter
- Once you become a paid Member, the username and password you receive to log into the forum is NOT the same as the username and password used to get into the other password protected areas of our site. The username and password to view back issues of the Fan Collector magazine, is printed in our bi‐monthly magazine that you will receive after becoming a paid, verified member of the Antique Fan Collectors Association. This is different than your username and password to get onto our site for forums, etc.
- All Board Members are volunteers, please be patient with us.
- If you need to contact the AFCA Secretary or any of our Board Members, go to our Contact Information Page.
Click below for a printable membership application:
Choose your online membership option below and pay through PayPal. You will be required to fill out an online application for the AFCA. Once you have filled out your application, you will need to complete the process by choosing PayPal and checking out. Please follow all the steps until you are notified that you have successfully completed the process:
What should I expect after printing out and mailing in an application and payment or applying and paying online through PayPal?
First of all, remember that registering on our forum as a Guest does not give you access to certain areas of the site or allow you all permissions within the forum. We do not have a system that automatically gives you membership status on the website or in the forum. We have to do it manually. If you need your status changed from Guest to Member and it has been a few days since you payed for your Membership for the year, please contact us using the information on our Contact Us page to have your status changed.
Online applications are processed Saturday of each week, which means if you joined online on a Sunday, it might be an entire week before we can get your application processed, your status changed, and allow you into our password protected areas of the website and allow you access to features in our forum.
It also takes us a few days to verify that your payment has been cleared through PayPal, or that your check has cleared, you are who you say you are, etc. and to get you activated. Please be patient.
We are all volunteers. Things are not always completed instantaneously, so please be understanding.
Last, but not least: Once you become a paid Member, the username and password you receive to log into the forum is NOT the same as the username and password used to get into the other password protected areas of our site. The username and password needed to get into the wiki, and to view back issues of the Fan Collector magazine, is printed in our bi‐monthly magazine that you will receive after becoming a paid, verified member of the Antique Fan Collectors Association. The username and password used to get into the forum will be sent to you upon us completing your membership registration. They are different. Your forum username and password are unique only to you so that you can be identifed when posting in the forum.
If you need to get into our wiki or view back issues of the Fan Collector magazine prior to receiving your first, printed copy of our magazine, but after becoming a paid, verified member, then please contact us by visiting our Contact Us page.